Saturday, August 29, 2009


Hello.....I just had my trip to the spa yesterday and want to thank all of you for your kind gift which I enjoyed! I came home wiped out and slept like a baby at night. Jennifer

Saturday, August 22, 2009

veil painting from Linda

finished painting from Linda

Hi everybody! It was a great week for me having you all here. We worked very hard and I love that atmosphere. Little by little I will put more work up from the workshop, also check out my blog too.
After a full week of company, I am settling into my studio. This weekend I plan to go landscape painting. In the studio I'm trying to come to a close with 2 painting I started awhile back. Still focusing on motif at the moment. Jennifer

Sunday, August 16, 2009

"Wing" by Jennifer Thomson

Hi folks!

I had a problem with losing the photos I took at the end of our time, so am posting text only here. I encourage you to try posting something right away to take the mystery out of this. It can be fun, if we keep this active. To add a photo, click on the picture icon on the top of the text box on the posting page, and it will give you the directions. It is just like adding an attachment to email.

I loved sharing our time together, and the timing of this art indulgence couldn't have been better for me, before starting my school year.

hugs to you all!
